Most people would like to See a Miracle. Especially a Miracle From God.
God Showed me A Miracle, One that you can See For Yourself. This Miracle Changed my point of view of life. It made me stop and take in the wonder of it all, each and every morning. Now I experience Gratitude, I start my days now by expressing my appreciation for all that my Creator has done for me, what a difference that makes.
How many times are we really thankful for all that we are and have and that God has done for us?
Growing up and until recently, I never had a feeling of high self esteem, I saw or felt little value in self worth, I didn't understand how or why anybody would. I saw it all as, I am here and that's that. I enjoyed sports, surfing and so many other things but, Day to day was just what it is, why should I think anything special about myself in it? I felt that I was here and felt nothing special about me being me. I just didn't get the self worth part of it all. People would point out to me what my achievements and capabilities were, so. That was performance, nothing to it, you just do it because you enjoy doing it, nothing about self esteem in that, at least to me, it just came with the doing what there was to do and had fun doing it.
One morning Something happened that changed my entire perspective to one of Appreciation and the first time I felt Special. One day, I stopped and pondered, the Big Picture, I thought about, what an incredible creation and design that we actually are.
Our Creator did an amazing job. Everything, I can see, feel and touch and experience the emotion of love and of course sorrow, there needs to be a contrast or we wouldn't know the difference, to appreciate one over another.
This is all an incredible miracle of God's creation and all of it was done just for us. He Created it all, just for us and then created us to experience it and then gave us a way to enjoy it even more. God is there, just waiting for you and I to open our eyes to see reality as it really is.
There is the alternative way that some decide to see it. That this is all simply an accident. Miraculously, gas, liquid or solid matter (whatever one can attempt to explain into pre existence in itself) just happened into existence, then, somehow came to life and then created itself into everything that we are, see and experience, from absolutely nothing, no plan, no purpose we live, we die, no miracle, just guess work. I say, What. a dry, morbid viewpoint. It amazes me that people can just imagine themselves into existence from nothing, with all of the incredible design and extreme complexity of it all, staring them right in the face and then believe something so dull and void about it.
Fortunately that takes much more faith than I have. That would imply that I think that I know something about something that I can't possibly know, all, with a dead beginning and dead ending, yet amazingly life in between.
If it wasn't for the Bible and all of the Prophesies (Future Predictions) from the beginning of the Bible all of the way to the end, telling what would happen then, now and into the future, with most all of the many prophesies already coming to past. I would question that a belief in the Miracle of God, His Word and Me Being His Creation might be just that, a belief and not a reality.
But then there is, the Bible with a complete revelation of creation and man's existence from the beginning, and yes, clear up until the end, with prophesies coming to past all of the way through. Including a Message, directly from our Creator. In fact a description of these very days that we are in and the many things that are happening in here in our time.
Think about it, You are an Incredible Miracle of Existence. All of this is, Every aspect of our being is amazing, including those things around us.
Pick any part of it all, it's all an incredibly, designed miracle, especially our life, with the aspect of self awareness.
The Heart, consistently (For Life), gets an electronic shock that causes it to contract, which pushes blood that has picked up oxygen from the lungs, and nutrients from the stomach, the blood passes through the arteries, out to all of the individual cells and each cell takes what it needs and discards the used back into the blood which returns through the veins that deliver it back to the lungs to discard carbon dioxide and replenish with oxygen....... then there is all of the other filtering systems, Liver, Kidneys. Then the white blood sells that get produced to fight infection throughout the body when needed......... The list goes on and on, tell me that isn't a miracle just in itself.
Do you ever feel bad about yourself? Remember this. You are a Very Unique, Very Special Miracle of God's Creation and Special in His Eyes, so much so that He sent His Only Begotten Son to be crucified and to shed His blood on a cross just for you, in payment for your faults of sin, so that you could experience, a so much better, eternal life, in a far better place that God has also created as He did earth
(Bible New Testament John 3:16)
God Clearly Loves Us and doesn't want any one of us to stay separated from Him forever because of our sin.
He gave us a choice.
There are some in life who choose no God, unfortunate for them, that is exactly what they will end up with. I can't imagine an existence without the Love that God created us with being present. The feeling that we experience in our hearts for one another, for anything that matters to us.
That love will not be in eternity for those who choose no God, The goodness of God will not be there for them, God gives everyone a free will to choose. Nothing is forced on us, we choose for ourselves.
People will try and use that against God as they do with everything that they don't like. They would say, Why didn't God just force His will on us and give us no option? Because that's not freedom, that's a robotic existence. God gave it all to us, with complete freedom, even to reject and deny Him or the best yet. (James 4: 7) Draw Near To God and He Will Draw Close To You. Best decision of all....An Actual, Personal Relationship with the Creator of the Universe.
God allows us to be free to decide for ourselves.
As in every situation of wrong choices in life, there is and will be consequence.
That is why God gave us the Bible, a Bible filled with confirmation prophesy of History events from the Beginning to the End, like no other book in existence. For us to have a Personal Operators Manual for the Best Life Ever, explaining to us that we can (Freely) have a personal relationship with God through grace by faith, through the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross when He was crucified, just for yours and my sins. Included in the Bible is a road map of All Creation from Beginning to the End.
The Bible is Amazing and as it says, Alive and Powerful (Hebrews 2: 12,13), written over 2000 years ago but explains all the way to the end where mankind would eventually have the capability to completely annihilate himself and would do so if God didn't intervene in that final war, Armegeddon.
2000 years ago they threw rocks and spears. There was No capability or concept of a war that could kill everybody. Yet, here we are today, perfectly capable of killing all of mankind, many times over, in many different ways and here we are in close military conflict at any given time. There are so many prophesies of the Bible and they all come to pass as time goes on.
Eternity, hereafter is one of those prophesies and that is coming up for us, which begins at our last breath here in this body.
This is Just the Opening Scene of our existence, Eternity is the Main event and that is where all of us are heading at a very steady pace.
We are always so busy, but notice how fast time is passing us by? We may not notice it as it happens but we sure do at different intervals of a pause of reflection.
How often do we take even a little time and consideration to thank God for doing all of this for us, or to appreciate what Jesus did on the cross for us, that we may enjoy a personal relationship with God?
We are a Walking Miracle and Have God to thank for it all.
Would you like to know a Great Way to Start Your Day?
Daily, Before the day owns you.
Take a moment to think about what God has taken the time to do for us (Look out at Nature). He created all of this, just for us, then gave us Existence and free will To Do and Believe as We Choose, and then said, here, go experience life and what I created just for you.
How often do we stop to appreciate all that He has done for us or just 1 minute even to thank Him?
God Loves us so much, that he sacrificed His Only Son for You and Me. That we would repent of our sins and believe in Him, so that our relationship could be like it was in the beginning before the choice of sin separated us from God.
We can spend eternity in Heaven, where there is no bad people, no wars, no sickness........ an existence that is hard to imagine, but then so is all of this, compared to non existence. We have so much to look forward to and we can't even begin to imagine all that it will be.
That's more love than any one of us could ever hope for. After all, Who are we? God could have chosen to crumple it all up and start over again. Or say, I can do better and start up another world and ignore this one completely.
It never ceases to amaze me when I hear someone blame God for the way that things are. Yet, those very same people don't take the time or have the consideration to Thank God for anything that they do have......... for example, the very breath that they take.
All complaint with no thanks?
That isn't a sign of any depth of thought, but of an ungrateful person, obviously void of appreciation for the good things that they do have. As they say, Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
I can't complain or be non appreciative of the very fact that I got the miraculous opportunity to experience this existence at all. This existence as compared to non existence, the same contrast will be between this life on earth and life in Heaven which God has prepared for us as well.
Have a Blessed Day/Evening........... Hope to See You In Heaven
Would you like to Meet God?
God will give you His Holy Spirit. That's when you will actually Experience God's Presence inside of yourself and begin a Personal, One on One relationship with God. That's what I refer to as God's School of Life, you will begin to have a personal guide (The Holy Spirit) inside who will help guide you in life.
That will serve for you as personal evidence that the Bible is True and that there is a God when you actually experience His presence.
The more that you listen and follow the nudge of God's Spirit, the closer that you will come to God and the closer that God will come to you.
The Bible exists for a reason, to confirm that there is a God, That He loves us, Cares about us and wants to have a Personal Relationship with Him.
The Bible will keep you from sin, sin will keep you from the Bible, A great experience with God is in the balance.
Sin: As long as we are in this body on earth we will sin, difference is that God sent Jesus to die in place for us for our sins, once we accept Jesus into our lives, God no longer sees our sin, just the blood of Jesus. Thus the question: If God asks, Why should I let you into my heaven. The answer is: Because your Son, Jesus Christ died on the cross and shed His blood for my sins. This is absolutely free, we don't have to do anything else. By grace we are saved through faith. Not of ourselves, lest anyone would boast. Ephesians 2: 8,9
Think about it, What do you have to lose?
Not a single thing, other than maybe an unanswered question about Life's meaning, where we came from, where we are headed too, what is the purpose/meaning/significance of it all, that you may have had.
Some people think that maybe man has the answers, that is only because they have never experienced the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Some people don't want there to be a God. That doesn't change the facts, it just means that they will most likely not experience the existence of the Holy Spirit and are still headed toward their own reality of an existence without the presence of God's Love. That is what is referred to as Hell in the Bible. Not an existence to aim for. Man thinks that he knows so much, when in reality, in the scope of things that are, he knows practically nothing other than his own speculation as to what he can deduct from his own observation, of what, he still has no clue. The Bible does not change, the Bible tells what was, what is and what will be. Once the Holy Spirit comes into our lives, we have actual, personal evidence of the Bible's authenticity.
What do you have to gain?
A lifetime of wonder and meaning, after this earth time has ended, Heaven to look forward to
It's absolutely Free, the Holy Spirit will continue to offer you Personal, Loving Guidance for a lifetime.
Simply but sincerely ask Jesus to come into your life, to forgive you for your sins. If those words are sincere, Your sins are forgiven, the Holy Spirit will, immediately come into your life and the guidance will begin. You may not recognize it at first, you may wonder if the new thoughts are just your own thinking or the that of the Holy Spirit.
As time passes, you'll begin to recognize your own thinking and that of the Holy Spirit, they are very distinct in nature. The Holy Spirit will begin guiding you into a closer and then closer relationship with God. As you listen and learn to follow, He will draw you closer to God and God will draw closer to you. It gets better and better. There are trials (difficult times), but those are just advancement steps in your New Life. You will see after every trial that things have gotten better and you have learned something new and it has advanced your relationship with God.........
Buckle up, you are in for a surprise, one that just keeps giving. God Loves You.
Don't worry about leaving God's guidance, God does not force Himself on anyone, the school of hard knocks, it will always remain an option if you decide to take the hard way. That won't last, once you've experienced a real relationship with God. There is nothing else that compares, you'll be back. Best thing is not to leave in the first place.
I left for a while, not too long after I first experienced The Holy Spirit in my life. I've always had a hard time with authority in my life, never made it through school, even got court marshaled as a buck private in military school, I just wouldn't or say I couldn't fit into the norm. I would challenge most everything that was set before me as a rule or standard to follow.
As thick headed as I was, I finally learned that, this one really matters, this isn't a man made discipline, this is much more, this is God and God actually does all of this out of Love and has been trying to get me to listen for many years, to teach me a much better way.
This is, so Very Special, not all that easy for me, but more special than anything else that I have ever experienced in life. I now wish that I had stayed the course, there was so much that God wanted to show me. Things that are so much more meaningful than anything else in life.
I wanted to do things my way as usual and as a result, wasted a lot of opportunity of meaningful things, I missed out on so much.
There is Nothing boring about being guided by the Holy Spirit, It's so many things, so many experiences of growth in so many areas, all of which make life so much better and much more meaningful.
The learning times are sometimes tough but the excitement when I reach the other side of each level is well worth the trial.
Hope to See you in Heaven, I'll be there as well, Jesus saw to that
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