1. I'm a Good Person
2. I believe in God
3. I don't believe that there is a God
4. I'm Not sure
5. I'm not going to heaven, I'm not a good enough person
6. All paths lead to God/Heaven
1: I'm a good person: Suggests that you would Answer God's Question with an answer that He owes you, based on some good behavior.
2: I believe in God: That's a Good Start, but only part of The Answer.
3: I don't believe In a God: There is Plenty of Evidence of a Creator.
Just Look at a Building, How did the building Get There?
Simple answer: A Builder Built It.
Look at a Painting: A Painter Painted it.
Now look at the Miracles of everything that is all around you: Who Created All That You See? A Creator.
If I were to tell you that the building built itself out of nothing. You would immediately want to get far from me and my distorted thinking. Yet look at what they have been trying to teach us all of these years concerning an entire world and all of the design complexities of life. Just one example being, male and female to accommodate reproduction of the species, you would need to believe that chance and coincidence was pretty intelligent to split the 2 and yet at every level evolve them differently, yet having the same compatibility of the identical species at so many different levels. All this time needed for evolution leaving absolutely no evidence of transmutation from one level of species to the next level anywhere...... That being said, That IT all Built Itself out of absolutely nothing.
4: I'm not sure: Well, Read on, here you will find the evidence of The Answer.
5: I'm not going to heaven, I'm not a good enough person: That is true if our sins remain unforgiven by God. The Good news is that they can be forgiven
6: All paths lead to Heaven: Sounds good but the evidence tells us otherwise, There is One Way and God makes that very clear in the Bible, that is why the continuous prophesies from beginning to end of History are included in the Bible, so that we would know that it was the valid Word of God. No other book contains, non refutable, guaranteed predictions of History, before that History takes place. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, through 1,000's of years to this Very Day. The Bible does and therein lies the difference from all others.
The Answer to God letting us into His Heaven is not about our good deeds getting us there, It's about our personal sins which can keep us out and seeing that what has been done cannot be undone, we need A Pardon for our sins.
The concise Answer to God's One Question would be; My sins have been paid for by the Blood that was Shed for me on the cross by Your Son, Jesus Christ.
When our stay in this body ends, which is coming, and we are in that day of judgement before God. The Blood of Jesus Christ is the key by which we are allowed to enter heaven. You will find it all in the Book Of John in the Bible. For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, That whosever believes on Him shall not perish but have ever lasting life. (John 3:16) (Our Ticket into Heaven)
For those who repent of their sins and believe that Jesus Christ Died for all of our sins in our place, God will not see their past sins any longer but will see the Blood of His Son instead. Thus a Free Pass Into Heaven, Free for us, but not for Jesus.
Much More, herein................ if you have the time. Time is our rarest commodity these days, but none of the busyness as time passes, compares to us understanding why this time of ours, even exists in the first place.
Irrefutable Evidence of the Bible shows that We were Created, Our Creator loves us and that we can have a personal relationship with Him.
Remember, If you don't already know and are not experiencing a personal relationship with God,
This Fact:
There is either a God or Not a God, That is a simple Yes or No answer.
Put it to the test!!! ............... Find out for yourself. What do you have to lose? Not a single thing! What do you have to gain?................ The list is priceless and endless.
Number 1 and most important: Welcome to Eternal Life, In a Personal Relationship With Your Creator, The Creator that gave us the feeling of Love, The most important thing that everyone wants and needs. God loves you more than you can imagine and that is a Love that exceeds any love that we can experience between ourselves and another person. God is where love originated from, we have a measure of what it is but it's much more. Enough so, is God's Love, that God sent His Only Son to die on the Cross in place of you for your sins, that you may not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
A Personal Relationship with God: The Creator of our universe, the universe that includes you and everything else that you see and even don't see.
A Brand New Life: with New Meaning and Purpose
HOPE: Something to look forward to with expectation............ something that we didn't have before. Without God, Hope in what? and To What End?
Real Appreciation: Look around you, God took the time to create all of this just for you and me, and then gave us our very own existence, to experience all of this, site, smell, sound, love, the ability to walk or run and experience all of this wonder that He created. Unfortunately, some mess things up but the experience is still a miracle of God's creation. How very fortunate we are to have the opportunity to actually be here and to be part of it all.
Ever Read the Bible? Most People Have Not, Even though most agree that it is the most important Book ever written. Ever taken to ask yourself, Why Not?
Most Important Book Ever, ever wonder why?
Take just a small Moment of Time:
Just Read the Book Of John, the entire story that you need to know is in that one Book, Just One Book. Then you will understand what this life that you find yourself in, is all about.
Continue just as you have,
Every day being , not too much different from the last other than things getting steadily worse, worldwide, all the while, drifting toward an inevitability of uncertainty of outcome.... The End of this small portion of a life experience that you, so fortunately, got to live in this world. There is, so much more, take all of the Good Things that you've experienced in life, multiply that by the highest number that you can think of and you're not going to even come close to what the next experience could be, instead of what now is and will be, while you are here in this lifetime.
just A simple inquiry into an ever-present reality of what is really going on Can Change Everything, Change Your Life, For the Better, Forever
Take a Look around you.
Where do you think this is all heading? Want to know? or just hope that it will get better and your day to day will stay the same or at least not get too much worse. for the time being, if so, you are missing out, It's all in the Bible, Yesterday, Today and the Very Near Future, Exactly as it is coming to past according to the Bible.
The Important Answers Lie in the Bible, backed by insurmountable evidence as seen, experienced and found in no other book. Backed with irrefutable, Continuous Prophesy defining our very existence from the beginning all the way out into eternity, both, Accurately and Specifically.
The Bible: A history Book of it all. Creation, Our Choice To Sin, God's Taking on Human Form as a man (Jesus Christ), so that He could Personally, Teach us and show us how to live and then, He allowed his body to be Crucified on a Cross to shed innocent Blood on the Cross in payment for our sins and to Rise again to show everyone who He was and why He was here. You see, when Christ was crucified on the cross, it was for you and me that He allowed that to happen. To give us a way for salvation from our sins here on earth. Once we believe in Him and what He did for us, we are forgiven, God no longer sees our sin during the final judgement of all. He sees the Blood of Christ that was shed on that cross for our sins, we are going to Heaven, our fate is sealed at that very moment. At that very moment of our repentants and belief in Jesus, God's Holy Spirit comes into our bodies, you actually become a living temple of God.
Once you accept what Christ did on the cross, and ask Him into your life, you'll begin to feel and experience God's presence, the direction of the Holy Spirit. You'll realize that there is a difference. That difference is that, there is a God and there is a personal relationship that we experience with Him, that He actually loves us, He actually cares about us, so much so that Christ allowed Himself to be crucified on the Cross that you may live................ That's Love! (Romans 5: 8)
The Bible
Now look at the Bible, It is a History Book of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, yet was written many 1000's of years ago. Remember, It tells of yesterday, defines what is taking place today and what will happen tomorrow, all of the way out until what would be the finality of War between Men if God did not intervene.... It is important to think about this, when the Bible was written, there was no concept of the complete annihilation of mankind. There was only swords, spears and rock throwing at the time. Yet the Bible tells us of that last war between nations that would destroy all. Obviously that is the Bomb. It tells so much more about the in-between days of our existence and so Much More.
People have devoted their lives to trying to disprove It's past, declarations of history, present predictions and tomorrows and yet can't, disprove any of it. It all comes to past, just as the Bible predicts.
It is full of Description and Events of the Past and Prophesies of many future events spanning from more than 5000 years gone past, the present day and into our future. This is happening day after day and more and more prophesies of the Bible are coming to past and many happening in our very lifetime.
All of this in the Bible, there is no other Book like it, in it we learn from where we came to where we are headed, all about ourselves, how to live and experience a much more fulfilling, meaningful, rewarding life (an owners/operators manual, if you will).
It's all, right there in one Book, with plenty of evidence that God directed it's contents.
In the Old Testament God said that He would get rid of death and gave prophesy in the Bible as to how, when and where this would happen. The prophesy of a Savior was right there in the Bible, as usual, the skeptics tried to disprove this as well, even when the messiah (Savior) came exactly as prophesied, where and how He would be born, as prophesied and so many other prophesies about Him. Even to the day, the circumstances of Him being Crucified. Jesus's life, fulfilled all of those prophesies, from birth to Crucifixion. He told all of His apostles that he was going to be crucified and that he would rise again from the dead on the 3rd day,
They didn't understand what He was telling them, Can you imagine just what it would be like for you if you are following Jesus and the next thing that you know, they are crucifying Him on a Cross, for claiming that He was who He said that he was (God in human form).
Seeing that would make anybody drop the cause and run. Peter, one of His disciples, denied even knowing him, Peter, 3 different times when this happened. Even Jesus's brothers didn't believe that He was the Messiah.
They all had one thing in common after Jesus's crucifixion, they all saw him again, after He had risen from the dead 3 days later. Just as Jesus told them, just as the Bible had prophesied. And all of His disciples and 2 of His brothers had one thing in common, they all, but 1. (John) suffered horrendous deaths substantiating what they had seen, Jesus risen from the dead and that He was the Son of God. If this was not true, they would have all gone their separate ways realizing that Jesus was dead, they saw him killed and that would have been that. They obviously, personally witnessed seeing and being with Him after His resurrection.
When God said in the Old Testament that He would get rid of death, It was by Jesus (The Messiah) dying on the cross for your's and my sins. God is without sin, Jesus was without sin. Sin is our weakness and is what separated us from God. God sent Jesus in human form to pay the price for our sin by His blood on the cross. That is the Best Thing That Has Ever Happened in Human Existence.
When we acknowledge and accept what Jesus did for you and I on the cross and repent of our sins, all of our Sins are forgiven, The Holy Spirit (God's Spirit) Comes into our very beings, your and my bodies become the temple of God and you know it and begin to feel and experience the personal presence of God from that point on.
From that point forward, you will begin to experience the presence of God. You now have something that you never had before.... Hope and a Personal relationship with the Creator of all things. You now have eternity with your Creator.
The God who gave us our very existence, who gave us the experience of love and the goodness in life.
Without asking forgiveness for your sins and asking Jesus to come into your life and believing on Him and His blood being shed for you, you will still have eternity after you die and leave this body, but without God's love and all of the goodness that God created in and for us. I can't imagine an eternal existence without His Love and the Goodness that goes with it. That is not going to be a good place to be.
It's all about Love, God created and Loves us and gave us the feeling and need for love,. He also gave us free will, He actually allows us to ignore and reject His love and to go our own way, His desire is for us to look in His direction and to have appreciation for all that He has done for us by creating us in the first place and to develop a relationship and Love for Him as well.
One beautiful thing about accepting Christ into ones life.... it is free for the asking and yet it wasn't free for Him, He allowed himself to be crucified and shed His blood for us on the cross for us.
The benefits are unimaginable. Think about it, when we accept Jesus, God's Spirit then lives within us, we become the actual temple of God, our Creator.
I cant imagine a better One to have a close relationship with, The Creator of all that we know.
So, When God asks, Why Should I let you into my heaven. The Answer is That Jesus Died on the Cross and shed His blood in payment for our sins. Jesus last words on the cross were, It is Finished, His Blood was shed and by believing in Him, we pass into Heaven when we are finished in this body,
(John 14: I 6)... Words of Jesus.... I am the way, the truth and the life, no-one comes to the father except through me.
(John 3:16): For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosever believes on Him should not Perish but have ever lasting life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world but that through Him the world might be saved.
(Romans 5: 8) But God demonstrates His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Jesus Christ died for us.
Now, Let me ask you the One Question, once again,
When God asks you, Why should I let you into my Heaven. What will be your answer?
I hope that it is:
Because Jesus died on the cross and His blood was shed for my sins.
That is your FREE PASS into Heaven you now have a Brand New Eternity destination with a Brand New Body at the end of your time here. Life and experience here on earth is just the opening scene, The main event is eternity for all, and hopefully that eternity for you will be in Heaven. It is free for the asking.
Simply Ask Jesus to Forgive you of your Sins and come into your life. The Holy Spirit then comes into your body and your body will then be the Temple Of God.
Then hold on, You have a Brand New Life ahead of you. (2 Corinthians 5: 17)
If anyone is in Christ Jesus, they are a new creation, old things have passed away behold all things are new.
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