There are 3 Sections Here:
Section 1: Bible Authenticity / The Question / How to Easily Witness
Section 2: Tips to an Easier, More Rewarding Walk through Life With God
Section 3 My Story
(1) Bible Authenticity
I remember in the old days, a time when I could almost bank on the weather being just the opposite as the weatherman predicted. Today, it is different, so many times these days, they get it right most of the time. Now I have a higher level of confidence that they know something more about what they are forecasting. People have now come to depend on the weather report. Why? Because today they have the advantage of a view from up above to watch and predict the weather for today and tomorrow and maybe a week or so.
Prophesy works the same, if someone says or writes about future events and these events consistently happen, as stated, then we can conclude that it most likely isn't coincidence, especially if the predictions are never wrong and the events continue to happen into our current lifetime that we can see and or experience.
Thus, the Bible
The best of all is that the Bible has 100s of prophesies, all written in the Past, all of which predicted 100's of future events from the time written, they were written by many different authors, most who did not know each other, nor live in the same time period or vicinity of the other.
All of these authors, around 46 in all, have 2 things in common: Not their proximity to each other, most of the authors didn’t know one another or even live in the same time period as one another and yet they all gave coordinated prophesies into the future which transpired into coordinated, factual events, as it would be if written by One Inspired Author having an advantage point and knowing the outcome of events before they happen. The Bible, It's all about Prophesy and Outcome.
(1.) The words and prophesies were audibly given to these authors, as with Moses or directly inspired by God. (2 Timothy 3:16)
(2.) They all have one other thing in common, Every prophesy comes to past exactly as spoken or inspired to them by God….. 100’s of them, just as they are being fulfilled in this present day......... The list is long and the evidence of further, into the future prophesies written 1000's of years ago is right before us, happining today. It either happened, is happening or is about to happen.
There is no other book in existence that does this. Nor is there any other book in existence that Predicted a Savior for us, with complete details about His coming, His birth place, mother, and on through His life. That he would be crucified on the cross, when, where, how and why, all prophesied more than 2000 years before His birth.
You see, the Bible is a history book, of yesterday, today and the future, clear into forever.
In the first part of the Bible, the Old Testament, God tells that He is going to get rid of death and in the New Testament, He tells how.
Remember, the Bible is continuous with prophesies of what will be and events of what was as each prophesy came to past.
Once you understand the accuracy and the dependability of what's written in the Bible. It is important that you understand how it all pertains to you.
There is a much more important point to get other than the accuracy and specifics of observable circumstances and events.
Specifics of the Bible.
The Bible says that we were created with the ability to pick and choose how we live our lives, in other words we were gifted with freedom to do whatever we decided to do. That is Freedom at it's best, free choice. If you were God, I wonder, would you do the same for your own creation, to allow it to turn away and ignore you or worship whatever it decided too give credit for it's very existence? To even, deny you as creator and even curse you and blame you for the problems that they themselves create.
I've heard people say, If I was God, I would or wouldn't do or allow this or that. I wonder what things would really be like if they were able to create all of this. People havent the vaguest idea of what things are really like in the realm of the vast reality. If given the chance, I'm sure that there would either mass confusion at every level. Humans, if left to their own resources have a tendency to mess most everything up.
God tells in the Bible how to live the Best Life, but also gave us free will. Man/Woman, chose to sin. Their decision, not God's, the consequence was a separation between them and God. God warned them that the day that they did, that they would die.
We were born into the results of that sin. The world would have been much different if it had not been for our ancestors actions.
Because of sin in our lives, there was was a need for a way to reunite us with God on a basis which we had no sin for God to see. Thus the need for a means to right the wrong. Cleanse our sin away from us in God's eye.
Here is where prophesy takes on a personal meaning for you and me. A Savior was to be sent into the world, From a Specific Blood Line, Through Specific circumstances, to a Specific Place at a Specific time for a Specific Purpose. With, undeniable circumstances of where and what would happen to Him. About those who would be involved in His life. That He would be Crucified, Put to death for claiming who He was and, that He would be resurrected on the 3rd day.
These are prophesies, also in the Bible, with many witnesses to the events that took place of His resurrection with undeniable evidence of their factual witness displayed in their own lives from that point on. The Bible said That He would rise from the dead on the 3rd day and then return to Heaven, but not before over 500 people witnessed his resurrection.
Including the 11 Apostles who knew Jesus personally. At crucifixion there was denial from them of not even knowing Jesus, for fear of the same being done to them. Then, after, personally witnessing Jesus resurrected, They all risked their own lives by stating that He was alive and that they were actually with Him alive and well.
They saw and knew that He was alive. All but 1 of them were eventually murdered by jealous, cruel and wicked people, just for telling what they knew absolutely was a fact and true. That is indeed a valid witness, 11 of them not just 1 or 2 but 11!
Then there are also more than 500 others who witnessed Him resurrected as well.
The list goes on and on of things, circumstances and facts of History that validate the Bible. Not to mention, the personal experience of those who receive the (God's Holy Spirit) into their very own bodies, this happened then and it is still happening every minute to this very day all over the world.
All of these people know and can feel the Holy Spirit inside of themselves once they invite Jesus into their lives and Ask Forgiveness for their past sins.
Just as Jesus explained to the apostles before His crucifixion. (John 14:26), But the Helper, The Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to remembrance, all of the things that I have said to you.
When a person asks forgiveness for their sins and invites Jesus into their lives, they receive the Holy Spirit, they have the same mind but a brand new conscience as never before, a Personal Guide, if you will, Who shows the way to the Best Life that they can possibly have.
Would you like Personal Proof?
That is the Best Proof of all, that involves a simple Yes or No situation. No, it's not like rubbing a Jeanies lamp and saying the magic words. God knows if it's from the heart and sincere. Not a game, but real live reality.
That new conscience, being the Holy Spirit, begins advising you through life.
What better guide could you possibly hope for, but the Creator of all that we know and see and don't see?
It doesn't get much easier to find out if this is real or not.
A simple request to find out such an important answer to such an important question concerning our very existence.
THE UPSIDE: You are immediately forgiven for all past behavior, Jesus comes into your life, the Holy Spirit Comes into your being as a Personal Helper and guide for the remainder of your life, plus You get Eternal Life in the Best place that you can't even begin to imagine, when you reach the end of this state of your existence, when this body wears out or you reach sooner way of finality of experience in this body.......... You now have Purpose and Hope and above all, A personal Relationship with your Creator.
There are so many upsides, for now, you can only hope that they are real, it's well worth the asking. Proof is in the pudding as they say. The proof is in your own personal experience here. If you dare to inquire, I'd like to be the first to welcome you to Reality, you have an amazing experience ahead of you.
The closer that you draw to God, the closer He will draw to you. (James 4: 8).
THE DOWNSIDE: Nothing happens, this was just an interesting experiment, and you go about life as usual.
So it is not one person saying that it is true, it isn’t opinion, it stands all alone on it’s very own proof of credibility.
People have devoted their lives to trying to disprove it and can’t. So many authors, so many details, so ,many predictions and nobody can disprove any of it.
The Bible is the inspired word of God
(2 Timothy 3: 16) For all scripture is given by the inspired word of God
the Bible was written by 46.
People argue that the Bible is not true, that God doesn’t exist, that doesn’t change the facts or reality at all. It is just the opinion of someone with very little comprehension of anything as it really is.
Reality is not an opinion, it is not an answer of opinion. It is what it is and the Bible Explains it as it was in the Old days, how it is in our day and how it will be in the future. It all happened, is happening and will happen exactly as defined in the Bible.
3 Ways that we experience and know God.
There are 3 personalities (Forms) of God which you will find. 1. One the Father, 2. The Holy Spirit, 3. Jesus Christ.
An explanation that might help you to understand this is as an example:
A friend of yours. A dentist let's say. You know him as an every day friend like any other friend, yet if you go to his office, you see and expert dentist at work, and maybe at other times he is a competitive sports enthusiasts. These 3 are the same person, just 3 different ways in which we may experience and know them.
Just a simple explanation of how we experience and know God, He is The Almighty Creator of all things that we see and experience, He is the Holy Spirit that Dwells within us and guides us and He is Jesus Christ, God coming to us in human form to set an example of how we should live and then shedding human blood as a sacrifice and payment for the sins of those who believe and accept who He is and what He has done for us.
Same God, 3 different ways that He makes Himself known to us. Each way being His way for us to know and experience Him.
Now, does this sound like a Book that may be worth reading? It's amazing how many people haven't or don't. This life is about reality, not reality TV, but actual reality in which we live, day to day.
We get so overwhelmed and distracted by the day to day existence, all the while, We are drifting toward our final appointment in time where none of this that we spend so much time with, matters anymore. That appointment being the end of this life as we know it.
That is what the Bible is all about. What was, what is and what will be, with all of it coming to past just as stated. There are not only pat, ongoing and future events and circumstances predicted in the Bible but also many, Special and Exciting Promises for you and me.
Just pause for a minute or two , Just take a look around you. Isn't it about time to start experiencing Something Special, Something Exciting, Something with Purpose and Meaning, Something, Absolutely Incredible that we can depend on to be solid ground?
There is Plenty of Evidence of the Bible's Validity. Now, How about a Personal Relationship with the Creator of all of this, The stars, the earth, the beauty of life that we see around us............ that person that you see when you look into a mirror? God created all of this, just for us and then gave us existence to enjoy it all.
It's all, right there, in the Bible, the book that so many fail too read, no wonder there are so many psychological problems and confusion for so many.
I suggest that you start in the Book of John, it's all right there in John, what you need to know, to experience a New and Exciting Life.
You look like an intelligent person, or, if you already know them: You are an intelligent person, How would you like to try and answer the most important question that you will ever hear in your lifetime?give you guidance in your mind, it's sutle at first because it is new and unfamiliar, after time, you will be more aware that it is the Holy Spirit. Welcome to a relationship with your creator. Stay in the word, listen to the Holy Spirit, you have a fantastic relationship ahead. Welcome to the school of the Holy Spirit, each level of learning and adherence to the Spirit will take you to a new level of growth and closeness with God. There is no time frame, just your ability to adhere to the Holy Spirits direction in your life. If the going gets rough, be of good cheere, you are learning a new level with the Lord.
Remember to keep it simple. God will do the rest. People are what causes the complexities in life. Remember, God is not the suthor of confusion: (1 Corinthian 14:33.. in the Bible). Any and everything that you need to know or help understanding concerning the Bible can be found on YouTube by searching for Chuck Smith Sermons. From the options, look for Genesis through Revelations.
Chuck Smith probably went from cover to cover more times than any other pastor.
He covers it all in detail, straight from the Bible as you follow along. You will hear it from probably the Best, as he takes you through any and all books and every scripture in the Bible, word for word, nothing added, nothing taken away, nothing but the Bible as it was written.
It's like having your own personal pastor, any place and anytime, with a pause or a continue at your fingertips at anytime.
You'll love Pastor Chuck and learn about the Love and relationship that you can enjoy with God.
Chuck was such a Humble person, he never spoke down to anyone. Chuck takes you on an Incredible journey through the Bible, from cover to cover, beginning to end, adding great stories and personal experiences along the way.
As Chuck began to minister as the pastor of Calvary Chapel, the results was world wide expansion due to people, learning about the Bible and developing a personal relationship with God. A real, personal experience with God, that news spreads fast. As Chuck always said, when God guides, God provides. God provided the Bible, Chuck believed in God, relied on God, God worked through Chuck and the rest is history.
Welcome to Reality, If you are New to learning about God, you have so much to be excited about, so much to look forward too. I envy you, I was where you are at this very moment. I didn't know what to expect, that is, if I was to expect anything, hold on there is a whole lot ahead, just remember this, Draw Close to God and God will Draw Close to You. (James: 4, 7)
Or if you have Been around a while and looking forward to a whole new, exciting level of your Day to Day experience with God. There is so much to look forward to and so much to experience this very day........... Start tossing life preservers to the drifting souls out there who don't yet know God.
Your tossed preserver may very be their lifeline to a New Beginning of a Personal Relationship with God and Eternity in the Heaven that God has made for all us.
Here is how, to keep it simple, to put things on pause in another person's life for just a moment with a simple question that will open the door of their thinking, about their current relationship and approaching encounter with God.
You can't help them all, but you can toss them a preserver. That's much better than just watching as they steadily drift towards eternity, totally unprepared for what's just ahead.
As my sister would say: Make it a Great Day.
Here We Go:
Your Question to anyone, for a:
You look like an intelligent person, or, if you already know them: You are an intelligent person, How wold you like to try and answer the most important question that you will ever hear in your lifetime?
(Wait for their response)
If God asked you (or when God asks you), "Why should I let you into my heaven?" What will your answer be?
This is the most important question/answer that you will ever encounter in your life. The time is coming and you need to know the answer.
This is the most important question of your life about life itself. (This makes them stop and think.)
After their response. Depending on what it is, sometimes I have to ask them, Would you like to know the answer?
(You Continue) The Bible is a history book. It tells the Past, the Present and the Future and everything it predicts has come to pass, is now coming to past or will come to past.
Critics have always questioned, saying, what about this, what about that and when this or that then happens and also comes to past, they ignore that and move right on to the nest prophesy.
People have devoted their lives to try and disprove it, but they can't.
In the Bible, in the Old Testament, God said that He was going to get rid of death. He promised a messiah (Savior) and foretold to the day, and time that the Messiah would come through the gates of Jerusalem. Jesus fulfilled every one of the details of this prophesy, including His very own Crucifixion, He was that messiah. He told his followers, the Disciples, that he was going to be crucified and that He would resurrect on the 3rd day.
Can you imagine how those Disciples with Jesus, felt when they saw their messiah being crucified? They didn't understand, beforehand, when He was describing His crucifixion and resurrection.
They would want to run thinking that would be the end and not a good one for them, ending in crucifixion as well.
They only fully understood it when they saw Him resurrected 3 days after, when He personally came to them, even, in person, doubting Thomas (One of His 12 Disciples) insisted on seeing and touching the holes in His side and hands before he would believe that it was really Jesus.
Then Jesus rose from the dead on the 3rd day and they all saw him including 500 others. The supporting evidence that the disciples saw Jesus resurrected is that they all suffered not only persecution for substantiating Him risen, but also death from that point, where they saw him risen from the dead, clear to the end of their own lives, all that is with the exception of John, whom they tried to boil alive and couldn't kill. John lived to write the last book of the Bible, Revelations, which we are witnessing the beginnings of in this our times today.
Christ was sent here to die for our sins that we might live. The shedding of His blood was for our sins, When God looks at us who believe and accept Jesus as our personal savior, on judgment day, God doesn't see our sins, he sees the blood of Jesus who paid for our sins.
So, the answer to the question of why God should let us into His heaven is "Because Jesus died on the cross for my sins."
The Bible says that we have all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God (Romans 3:23), but if we confess that Jesus died for those sins and ask for forgiveness we will be spending eternity in the Heaven that God has created for us, just like He did earth, but without everything that we know and experience that is wrong here where man has caused it to become a bad experience.
That is the main event of our existence coming up, and sooner the we realize. Life goes by so fast..
Final Question is: (Make sure that they get it)
Now, when God asks you, "Why should I let you into my Heaven?" what will your answer be?
Do you have a Bible at home?
Take the time to read just One important Book of the Bible, the book of John, the 4th book in the New Testament. You will find everything that you need to know in just that one book of the Bible. It won't take you long but it will serve you well for the rest of your life and eternity that is coming your way. It will also introduce you to the importance of the Book that God has given us to learn and know about Him.
Don't worry about the rest, God will fill in the blanks for you. Once you ask Jesus in, the Holy Spirit follows, welcome to eternity.
Do you go to Church? If you would like any help anywhere in the Bible and would like one of the best authorities, go online to YouTube and Look up Chuck Smith Sermons Genisis, There is one in particular that says (from Genesis To Revelations, I inserted a link to click on at the end of this sentence). There is an in-depth sermon on each and every book and chapter of the Bible. Chuck Smith taught from the beginning to the end of the Bible for so many times/years that he became knowledgeable on all of the Books and Chapters of the Bible in its entirety. Plus, he teaches it in a very, interesting and entertaining way that helps you pay attention and enjoy learning About God, His Love and His Plan for You(Chuck Smith's Link Here.
If you don't have a Church, or feel that you are in need of a better church, Until you find the right one, Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel of Chino Hills is one of the most inspiring, informational ministers that I have listened to along with Chuck Smith and Greg Laurie. I watch his sermon every Sunday. I would go to his church if it wasn't so far to drive. Website: They also have an app that you can download and watch directly from your computer or streaming on TV, This allows you to have straight access to a sermon directly from the Bible without it being censored by people who don't want you to know the Truth, when they disagree with God's Word, Think about that one for a minute: Man censoring God's Word, Good reason to keep your eyes on God and His Word and off of people, people mess up a lot of things, God doesn't, In God We Can Trust.
Who to ask, (The Question)? Pretty much anybody, at a time when both you and them have a bit of time. I'm having calling cards printed up shortly with this website for those that I don't have time to share or just in passing.
Works great with customer service people for any company. When they ask at the end of your call "Is there anything else that I can help you with?"
Or just with people in general that I'm having a friendly conversation with, it fits right in many times.
How to Witness
Witnessing (Sharing what you know)
About Sharing God’s Salvation
Is it easier than it seems? Yes
Probably, like yourself, I was nervous to even try.
I studied and developed what was easiest for me, which meant that it would be interesting and comfortable to another person and easy for me to do.
I didn't try it right away, I didn't feel ready, once I started, I realized that it didn't take much and the people liked the challenge of a Simple and important Question.
Now for Answering the question, I found that first a Simple, Brief Explanation of the Credibility of the Bible made it easy.
The fact that The Bible is a History Book, A very Special History Book. It explains the Past, The Present and The Future and it all comes to past. People have spent so much time trying to disprove it and can't. In the Old Testament God said that He was going to get rid of Death. In the New Testament He showed us how. The Old Testament told of a messiah and told how, when and where the messiah would come. All about His Life and the circumstances of His Life, Purpose and Being Crucified to bear our sins. That was Jesus Christ. When Jesus came He told His disciples that he was going to be crucified and rise again on the 3rd day.
Explaining the Gospel is pretty easy. We are saved by Grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8), Jesus Died and Shed His Blood for us, for our sins, that we might live. Our Sins Have Been Paid For in Full, Passage for us to Heaven is a Free Gift From God. All that we need to do is believe that Jesus Christ was God in Human form (referred to as the Son of God). Died for our sins on the Cross. There is nothing that we need to do but believe, ask for forgiveness of our sins and we have eternity with God in heaven to look forward to.
If anybody wonders if Jesus was God, they need to read for themselves:
(John 1:1) In the Beginning was the Word and the Word Was God, He was in the Beginning With God and All Things Were Made By Him, Nothing That Was Made Was Made Without Him, In Him Was Life The Light Of Men and The Light Shined In The Darkness and The Darkness Comprehended It Not
(John 1:14) And The Word Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us and We Beheld His Glory As Of The Only Begotten Of The Father Full Of Grace and Truth........... that will remove all doubt about Jesus being God. Jesus is the Word.
Man messes things up. People tell me about bad Christians, I tell them to keep their eyes off of people and onto God. Man has a tendency to mess up most everything. He tries to control and rule over people, sometimes himself, using the word of God, but incorporating his own rules or, Special Interpretation.
We are saved by Grace, not by works; you can't work your way to heaven. Most people do not understand this and most of the response to the question of Why should God let them into His heaven is based on their own performance. The Grace of God, is Free. Heaven is Free, the entrance fee has already been paid for. We do not work our way to heaven, that is where the tire meets the road of Salvation for a lost soul.
All of that being said, this works for me:
How to simply help some of those that we encounter. I have found that the majority of them thank you for it. They need it more than we can possibly imagine. Many of them are Christians, they do not understand the Gospel, they know it as a story but don't understand it.
This is an approach that I have used many times now with appreciative results every time but once, the person did not believe that there is a God.
There are 3 Sections Here:
Section 1: Bible Authenticity / The Question / How to Witness
Section 2: What it means to be a Christian / Tips to an Easier, More Rewarding Walk through Life With God
Section (3) My Story
Being a Christian: What That Means:
As a Christian, we now have a personal relationship with God. The Holy Spirit of God now dwells inside of us, we are now the Temple Of God. There are many places in the Bible that confirm this. Better yet, now we experience God in our thoughts, before long as new christians we all hear the voice of the Lord in our thoughts. We start to see the evidence in our day to day lives. The closer that we move toward God, The closer that God moves toward us.
(1 Corinthians 3: 16) Do you not know that you are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God Dwells in you.
Now, Being Saved by The Grace that is in Jesus Christ By Faith Through His Blood that was shed on the Cross for us.
Think about it, We are Now Saved for Eternity By God Himself and God Dwells In Us.
I like to compare this to a scenario of all humanity, (You and I included as we are rescued and now saved from an eternity where God's love would no longer be available for us.) all of us floating in the sea of life. As we float and continually drift, we all are busy going about our daily lives, once in a while, with our becoming aware of just how far and fast we have passed through the years.
Due to the sin in everyone's lives we are all eventually going to drown without realizing just how serious our situation really is, and we continue to drift toward our encounter with our last breath in this earthly body. (John 3:16) For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, SHOULD NOT PERISH but have ever lasting life, for God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but that through Him the world might be saved.
Now, imagine, A ship comes along and rescues just you, you didn't realize it but now you can clearly see that you were adrift, with no hope and were going to ultimately drown without hope of any kind.
Here you are on this deck of this ship, safe and going to survive. (In other words, You have asked for forgiveness, accepted Jesus as Your Personal Savior, His blood shed for your sins and asked for forgiveness for your Sins.)
Daily, you see all of these others that are adrift, just as you were and know what their outcome will be.
You now have an unlimited amount of life preservers on the deck of the ship that you can toss to them at anytime, to anybody.
Are you going to toss them to people that you love? people that you meet? Or, just watch them float on by?
It is that serious, not just for some, but for everyone. I am going to show you (a simple way) to comfortably toss them a life line.
This doesn't mean that they will grab it, some do not know any better, some do and just don't care, they don't realize what is really up ahead. Your part is to just pick up and toss them the life preserver. It's up to them to grab onto it. You can't save them all and many of them won't heed your warning and continue about there usual distraction while the drift continues, but you can at least toss it over so that they know that it's there floating next to them.
The freedom and hope that we now have as Christians: We are now heading for the eternity that is just up ahead in the Heaven that God Has Created and Prepared for us. God Created the Earth and Heaven, He created us on an Earth that was originally sin free, we chose to sin, God does not sin, He is righteous and there is no sin in Him. He warned that the day that we did, we would not live forever but that our days would then be numbered and we would eventually die, do to the sin.
Remember, the Bible is a History Book of the Past, all the way from the Very Beginning, to Present and Future.
The Bible is God's Inspired History Book of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (2 Timothy 3:16). Telling us what did happen, what is happening and what will happen.
That is pretty incredible if you think about it, It all happens exactly as it says in the Bible.
Also, what's important it is a personal guide and operators manual for us to live or day too day. It tells us the absolute best way to live our lives so that we can get the absolute best out of life, that ultimately being, we don't die, our body grows old and wears out but our spirit lives on, passing straight from this body to our heavenly body created by God, just as He designed and created this one, only this next one is in Heaven.
I know that people refer to blind faith in God, that is believing without seeing. I now am beginning to see it differently. We don't see the wind, but we see the effects of the wind, the leaves moving in the trees, the dust blowing in the air, the sound of the howling wind, our evidence that the wind is there, even without seeing it. We feel it blowing against our skin.
You’ll find that God is the same type of experience of knowing without seeing. You feel Him inside of you, you hear Him in your thoughts guiding you, there is lots of undeniable evidence, everywhere around us. The trees, the wind, all of life. It's all an incredibly, complex, superior design that reaches far beyond our comprehension.
Yet it is all explained from beginning to end in the Bible. the Bible explains our past, present and future with 100% accuracy of outcome, so many prophesies throughout the Bible have already come to past and are happening and beginning to happen in this very day.
Sharing with others what you know now as a Christian
I have found that most every person that I take the time to care about, really appreciate and thank me for asking them a simple, important question about life. I'm going to share that with you.
They are especially grateful for giving them a simple and exciting answer to that very question that I ask. (Your Life Preserver Toss To Others, Is Just a Simple, Non Invasive Question................. Easy and gets you past that fear of sharing Jesus and Salvation to others)
One of the obstacles that one faces in trying to help others is lack of sincerity and the fear of critisizm.
To help you with sincerity, just try and imagine for one minute the fate that awaits uninformed people up ahead.
To help you with the fear of critisizm, people brains go into automatic mode with response to things that they don’t know anything about, but have heard ready made responses about certain subjects from others. That’s the way. Brain works, it tries to first relate what it hears with something that they have heard mentioned in the past….. There you go, they are off to a conclusion before you even begin to explain something that they know nothing about.
So, your approach is, a good approach, something interesting and yet challenging.
You want them to look forward to your question. Hearing that it is the most important question that they will ever hear, gets their attention and their interest.
People consider themselves a perfect candidate to answer the most important question that they will ever hear in their life.
They like the question, they take it seriously, and it's then begins a conversation that is probably the most important that we or they will ever have, more so than we can possibly imagine.
Just to give you a little enticement and expectation, as I'm typing this to you: My phone just rang and a person that I just met, that I asked this very same question to, was calling to share that he just used this Question and Answer about our Eternity, with a person that he was speaking to on the phone and she thanked him for doing so. Maybe that will help to both inspire and to understand just how easy it is, without any critisism or bad response.
He tried it before I even finished typing this explanation to include the answers.
That makes me feel so much better about the effectiveness and outcome of this for others that I'm sharing this with.
I don’t suggest that you try it from day one but it’s just like anything else in life, practice makes perfect and, what do you have to lose if you don’t get it right the first time.. The important part is that you, understand what you are really doing as far as their life is concerned and that you care enough to at least try. Think…… what’s the worst that could happen…… you make a mistake? I’m sure that has happened before. How did we even learn to walk?
There are so many people that we come in contact with, needing this Question, and then the Answer, which can and might change their lives forever. Thus, resulting in an amazing, relationship with God and an eternal destination with Hope.
If we can just help them to pause for just a moment and see the way.
God uses us and the results are a blessing from God, Both for them and for us, so much so, even the Angles in Heaven Rejoice. Luke 15:10 (Jesus Said) Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who REPENTS
Tips to an Easier, More Rewarding Walk Through Life With God
Personal Pride as a Christian, doesn’t work!
(I can and should, do it myself) was a major shortcoming for me.
I held myself too, an unattainable standard, thinking of who and what I had to be in order to be accepted in Gods eyes.
I was not going to be a hypocrite, I knew right from wrong and if I knew that it was wrong, I wasn’t going to do it.
That was my own mistake. I thought that I needed to do it all myself, which I found to be impossible. It was like I became a lawman, and that I needed to go after me, the criminal all in one person.
I didn't yet understand the absolute freedom that comes with being a Christian.
Now, 50 years later. I'm free as a Christian, what a breath of fresh air. If I only knew then what I know now, I would have realized that I was forgiven for my sins from the very day of forgiveness through Jesus and for all sins, past, present and throughout the rest of my life. We will never be free of sin, but we are forgiven for it. It took me years to realize and accept this.
Do yourself a favor, learn this from day one: There is no place or need for Pride (I’ll stop sinning and then come to God) in our relationship with God.
God Loves Us as we are, (Romans 5:8) God demonstrates His love toward us, while we were yet sinners Christ died for us)
Salvation is a free gift from God, we can't do anything to earn it, just believe in Jesus, what He did on the cross for our sins and receive.
It just doesn't need to get any more complicated or easier than that.
Don’t worry about tomorrow, it will all fall into place. One of my favorite Scriptures in the Bible:
(2 Timothy 2: 2) Avoid foolish and unlearned questions, for they do gender strife. Think about that, as long as we know that we are saved, all of the rest of the unanswered questions really don’t matter, Believe, Receive and Enjoy your walk with the Lord and share it with others. As you are able
There are 3 Sections Here:
Section 1: Bible Authenticity / The Question / How to Witness
Section 2: What it means to be a Christian / Tips to an Easier, More Rewarding Walk through Life With God
Section (3) My Story
My Story
Summary of my relationship with God.
(Life isn't quite that short, so neither is my summary) It is about my own experience in my relationship with, and understanding of God's Love. I added this, part. hoping that it might help others avoid the same lack of understanding resulting in unnecessary hinderances in their own lives, resulting in not experiencing the absolute freedom that we have in our relationship with God.
Pride was a shortcoming, I held myself to an unattainable standard, thinking of who and what I had to be in order to be close with God, that was my own mistake. I thought that I needed to do it all myself, which I found to be impossible.
I didn't understand the absolute freedom that comes with being a Christian.
Now, 50 years later. I'm free as a Christian, what a breath of fresh air. If I only knew then what I know now, I would have realized that I was forgiven for my sins from the very day of forgiveness through Jesus and for all sins throughout the rest of my life. We will never be free of sin, but we are forgiven for it. Took me years to realize and accept this. Do yourself a favor, learn this from day one. There is no place or need for Pride in our relationship with God. Salvation is a free gift from God, we can't do anything to earn it, just believe in Jesus, what He did on the cross for our sins and receive. Doesn't get any easier than that.
1. My Story
One day, when I was 20 or so (That was more than a few years ago) an important question came to mind. How did life begin? How did I get here? It obviously happed, I exist I can at will, pinch myself and cause pain, I'm not part of a dream in a butterfly's mind, and there had to be a beginning.
So I began to research the options that others had come up with and written books, to explain their opinions. Evolution, Creation, Alien, Discard or Drop Box, Something Else?
Taking a logical view of evolution, I soon realized that people had obviously started grasping at ridiculous, illogical answers for life's beginning. They had no evidence to support the unsupported guess work involved in their theories, yet they tried to make up a story about it being the reality above all other options. In other words, life sprang from nothing into a highly organized, sophisticated, logical order of unimaginable coincidence producing such a sophisticated and complex existence of perfect order in any and all thriving organisms that we can see. And in most species, a Male and exact Female with uniform plumbing for procreation. 1 of each species alone required an illogical jump, how about 2? Way too much for me to accept without the supporting evidence.
That something, so very simple, developed automatically from one form to all of the rest with absolutely no evidence of transmutation from one, existing species, to the next, totally different species, leaving absolutely no evidence of transformation of one species to the next level of species. There is plenty of evidence of each species, including mutations of the same species to adaptation but absolutely none of the transmutation from one species to the nest.
Then they try and say that all levels just stopped at the the levels that we see today, they ALL stopped transforming to the next level of species.
We have been around long enough to observe some very fast reproducing life, such as the Tsetse Fly, they reproduce at a very, very fast rate.... always producing it's own kind, just like everything else living. It's also amazing how precise and definitive evolution would need to be, not just evolving one, but 2 simultaneously, male and female to accommodate reproduction. Each being the same yet so different and precise from one another.
What's their explanation? Time, It just conveniently takes more time than we can observe, yet, there should be millions of levels of transmutations everywhere at all levels. But No everything is still in it's very own category of species, just as they always were. All producing after their kind just as the Bible says.
These are supposed to be intelligent people that study and teach this. The statement that evolution is fact, is against their very own requirement of theory testing, that is that it is to be observable and repeatable to be relied upon as fact, but they still insist that it is fact in violation of their one rule. It can neither be observed nor is it repeatable. It's amazing at just how hard they worked and the time taken to do so and with such a lazy answer to our existence.
I continued on and researched many of the other opinions, religions, theosophy, philosophy. All of which I found had a grounding in being good, wholesome, thinking right, doing right, eating right, supporting goodness, but then, off a lot of the teachings would go into unsupported claims of events that take place, reincarnation as an example. That these spirits would come and guide a dying organism to it's next birth in another body at the time of birth. Who came up with this one? Did someone see these spirits doing this, follow along as it happened? Nothing at all to support the claims, no eye witnesses. Just a book with no other credibility other than it's own statement made by someone.
Man started each and every one of these and just wrote it out as he saw fit and people that don't take the time to research the origin, followed along, a lot of the origin being for; the control of others, money, prestige, list goes on. That's why it is so important to keep your eyes off of man and his wisdom............. that's why we are in a lot of this mess in the first place. Test, what you hear, look to the origin of what you hear and read, test it's validity.
Last but not least, I heard that the Bible was the answer. This was the easiest one of all to research. The claim was that Jesus was God, came in Human form, died on a cross to shed blood to cover our sins in the sight of God, rose from the dead in 3 days went back up to Heaven and at our repentance for our sins and belief in Him and an invitation into one's life, would result in Him forgiving us for our sins, He would come into our being and we spend eternity in another creation of God called Heaven.
This was a Basic, Yes or No answer. There was either a God or No God. With all seriousness. One day while out Jogging, I stopped, looked up and asked Jesus to come into my life and asked forgiveness for my Sins..... That was simple, I didn't know what I was supposed to expect in terms of experience, but I was sincere. I had nothing to lose on this one, it involved a personal interaction with a God that I couldn't see and an outcome that was uncertain, because, after all, this is an experiment to test the validity of something that came from the Bible.
The immediate Results: No bright Light, No Deep Voice from the Sky, nothing........... So I thought.
But afterwards on different occasions in the following days, weeks and months, I had thoughts come into my mind that had never been there before. Directions if you will, things of correction of actions. Actions that were normal for me but some might consider so wrong to do, most others would say, no big deal.
The corrective thoughts kept coming, I will give you this explanation of what a relationship with God can be compaired to, for somebody wondering how we can know that it is God and His Holy Spirit that is giving us guidance and moving in our lives after we invite Him in and ask forgiveness for our sins.
Is there such a thing as the wind? We can't see it, but we can see the results, the movement of leaves in the trees, the dust being moved about, the feeling on our skin when it blows. The movement of the Holy Spirit is similar in that we can feel it in our thinking, we begin to know the right answers to our circumstances which we are in and encounter, we can see the results of God all around us, the existence of the very trees that we watch the leaves move as the wind blows, the miracle of everything around us, including our very existence as well, the wind moves and we see the results, God moves within us now and we see and feel the results as well, that's how we know that God is real.
I now had a new conscience that I never had before, one that I knew if I listened to and corrected my behavior was right. (2 Corinthians 2: 15-17, Behold you are a New Creation, All Things are New, Old Things Have Passed Away). I learned later, that was the Holy Spirit that came into my life. When you ask Christ to Forgive you of your sins and Ask Jesus to come in (John 14:26) From Jesus: But The Helper, The Holy Spirit, Whom The Father Will Send In My Name, Will Teach You All Things). At that moment when I stopped jogging and sincerely asked, I became the temple of God, the Holy Spirit had come into my being and now was giving me directions to make my life better, why? Because we actually have a God who loves us and cares about our life being the best that we can listen to God and follow His direction for our life. This is amazing an actual relationship with the Creator of all things. This was Real, I could feel and experience it.
I had found the Origin of all things, the creator of it all. It wasnt something that I had to figure out, it was something that I put to the test and it came back positive. There was a God and He showed me so. (Mathew 7:7) Ask and You shall receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened. I asked, I was seeking and I definitely knocked.
As it always has, the Bible proved itself true that day and I found the Answer that I had been looking for or did Jesus find me.
You will find that nothing compares or even comes close to the Bible, it has 100's of prophesies predicted and all coming to past just as written in the order that they are supposed to happen............... Nothing Like it, anywhere. I didn't know this at the time, I should have started with the Bible first.
Taking the time and doing the research and the outcome was really all that mattered.
I can say this, be careful of what man tries to do with the Bible. Some people, change it's meaning to fit their narrative, which allows for them to control people. Some do it for Greed, Some do it for Power, Some do it for prestige. Some do it because they can.
If you want to know the truth, It's in the Bible to read and understand for yourself. God didn't make it to confuse, people try to confuse.
2 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace as in all the churches of the saints.
The most important thing to understand and remember is that Jesus, who came to man in human form is God. There are 3 ways that we experience and know God, God the father, Jesus (God taking on human form and the Holy Spirit. These 3 are the same, God chose each form for us to experience Him, all being Himself.
Put it to the test, Invite Christ into your life, Believe on Him and see what happens. Read the Bible and learn for yourself, first hand. the Bible will come alive for you.
I found the Truth, The Origin of us and way more than I ever expected.
How did life begin? How did I get here? The answer came from my own personal experience and not from just hearing someone's guess work or opinion and blindly following along, but from actual, real time experience between me and God.
Now I know, God Created all of this, just for us and gave us existence. How very Special! You see that I quote scripture from the Bible about things that I experienced. I didn't read that before, I experienced it first hand and then read about what was happening, It's all in the Bible
50 Years Later:
Early years as a Christian and Now
I was saved by the grace of God through faith, I learned that listening to God was always the right way, I also learned that most every direction that God directed me was the usual that I was inclined to go. I came from a tuff attitude lifestyle of survival.
That's why I have included this, hoping that others will learn by my mistakes.
My path from that point, was not always a pleasing one to God. I came from a pretty tuff neigborhood growing up where you had to be tuff, with an attitude when necessary to survive. Over the years I developed a thick skin of personal survival technique that would carry me through the area that I grew up and other similar places of circumstance. I was a survivalist, mainly to protect myself through my surroundings. If we get to know each other and you ask, I will share with you a past of experience that will probably be like no other that you'll hear about. Not that it was the worst of all, but I've never heard another like it, nor ran into anybody else that has.
The beauty of the past is that it was a road that led to the present. I have absolutely no complaints, it led to this outcome.
I couldn't be a witness or an example of being saved to others, about the Lord, because of my own actions. I knew that I was a sinner. I was used to having directional control of the wheel of my life.
I was a kid who never wanted to grow up. As a kid, I noticed that a lot of grown-ups didn't smile very much, they didn't seem very happy. I wanted nothing to do with growing up.
Wherever I was going, I was the driver and moving, usually at a pretty fast pace. I was prideful and competitive. On the road I was also an embarrassment as a Christian.
I couldn't share salvation with anybody else and act like I did when somebody cut me off or wouldn't let me pass on the freeway. When people stayed in the fast lane preventing me from going on my way. One time driving up North To My Dad's, No one was on the highway for miles, I came up on a person driving at 70, who would not let me by, He ended up speeding up to 100 and me to 110 to get by, then he slowed back down to his regular slow speed and disapeared in the mirror.
I always moved over to let others pass and expected the same consideration. I wanted to be different than I was, but wouldn't let go of that irresponsible kid or the wheel of my travel or actions in life..
I was a yo-yo, back and forth to church, I would get close and then find myself totally distracted. Off I would find myself once again not even thinking about church or God. I didn't feel comfortable around christians, I always knew that I was a sinner and I felt guilty as such and figured that they were on the most part, sin free, better people, different from me without a sinful nature.
Luckily, I had my older brother. I told him how I wanted to be a Christian and how when I would get close, it was so good and then I would find myself totally distracted once again, not even thinking about my being a Christian. My brother's words stuck with me: "Just hang around the flagpole." In other words, don't give up, give it the best that I could but don't give up. Even if I don't fit in, keep going to church.
Fifty years later after being saved and of yo-yoing I met a street evangelist while buying a vehicle from him.
In the course of our conversation, He asked me a simple question, "What would you say if God asked you, why He should let you into His heaven?" I knew the answer: because Christ died on the cross and shed his blood in payment for my sins.
He then asked me if I went to church, I told him that I was going to start going again as soon as I straightened some things out and was sin free.
Then I heard the answer that I was missing all of those years. "That's Pride" he said.
Pride? I never thought of it that way, I was always on such a guilt trip because of my sins, I didn't feel comfortable going to church, I was a sinner and knew that I was sinning; on the road especially, also in my sales presentations, I would omitt things that would ruin the sale. You learn in sales to say what is needed to make the sale and omit that which would possibly hurt the sale. I knew things that I wasn't revealing to a buyer, I didn't feel good about myself as a Christian and that kept me from a close relationship with God. I figured that I would get rid of all of the sin and then come back to the Lord, it never dawned on me that, that was an impossibility.
Now I finally understood the facts: Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8) and we will never be sin-free as long as we are on this earth.
All of the christians that I felt guilty around for all of those years were all sinners as well. (Ephesians 2:8) I am saved by Grace through Faith, not of myself, it is a free gift from God, Not of performance lest anyone would boast. That is Real Freedom!.
Things have gotten better ever since. Yes, I still sin, I still have a grip on the wheel, but the grip is now loosening, not quite as tight and things are getting so much better. I even drive a Prius now, hard to be competitive in a Prius. My relationship with God is getting better. James 4:7 says "Draw close to God and He will draw close to you."
Now, I find that I can share the Gospel of Christ dying on the Cross and His Blood covering all sins without any personal guilt. God looks and sees the blood of Jesus, not my sins. Freedom at last. It is Free, but blood was shed on my behalf for it. Jesus came and died for me - not just me, but all who call upon Him.
I equate being saved with floating with a bunch of people in an open sea and we are all slowly drifting. We are all going to drown but don't realize or stop to think about where we are drifting to, but a ship has brought me onto the deck and I'm safe, but those that are floating by in the water are still going to drown and die.
We see and talk with the people left in the sea every day, with no attempt to throw them a life preserver to keep them from drowning.
I now have life preservers to toss to them that can save their lives and that is the reason for this message to you. It doesn't mean that we need to feel guilt-ridden if we are not full-time evangelists. God wants us to toss out the preservers (Gospel) to them when the timing is right or especially when we feel that nudge from God.
If it's done with thought and consideration, It's easy, effective, comfortable and rewarding to do. If we care for the people around us, I believe that we should, I believe that God wants us too.
After all the years that I have been a non-participant in sharing the facts about God, creation and salvation through Jesus's dying for my sins and shedding His blood on the cross, even though I am a Christian saved by Grace, it's hard to believe that God is using me as a tool for others to understand about all of creation and the Grace of God through Jesus. As Chuck Smith says in one of his sermons, God works in us so that He can work through us.
It's happening now, ever since I realized just how Easy and Free Salvation Really is and what the Grace of God really is all about, I don't need to feel guilty because I sin, everyone does and as long as we are still in this body on this earth we will, that's just a fact of life on planet earth, we are not perfect, we are save and doing our best..
I've been searching for the best way to share the Gospel that is comfortable and now I've found it and it's right in front of you and me in our everyday life. I've found an easy, effective way to toss life preservers to drowning people who are still floating and drifting where I once was.
it's a very special feeling and a privilege to do. It's amazing to be used by God in such a way after all of these years of not being right with my relationship with God, I thought that I had to be perfect and figured that I would eventually get there and then get closer. Now, I'm free, now that I realized that I can't do that and God saves sinners, not self righteous people.
Time passes in a blink and the passage to eternity is not far ahead for all people. It's time to start tossing preservers. Not due to guilt if we don't, but due to compassion for another person just like ourselves drifting ever closer to the end of this experience and death. Think of them as yourself, wouldn't you want to know what's coming just ahead in reality?
Does it work, the life preserver that I toss and that you can toss?
How did I happen by it?
I studied various methods of sharing which others use and combined them with my own experience. interacting with people has always been a large part in my line of work. I figured out what would produce the best results in the most comfortable and effective way for both myself and the life preserver recipient.
First impression matters most when interacting with a stranger or for this matter, someone that you know or are familiar with. It's important for you to remember, it's not about me, it's about eternity. It needs to be interesting to them or you've already lost their interest right from the start. A Fun, challenging question peaks most people's interest. People like to demonstrate their expertise.
I figured that, it might be helpful at the appropriate time for you to toss life some preservers as well, at an appropriate time. God will introduce such times. That doesn't mean that every toss will produce immediate results. It definitely causes pause and thought on behalf of a person and that is something that matters in itself.
We have no idea what's going on in their life yesterday, today or tomorrow. Your encounter may just be the most important encounter in their life. It may be an encounter that has effect on them today, tomorrow or some other time in the course of their life. The important part is that you tossed the preserver and they know it is there for them.
Can you imagine the reality that people that you know or come in contact with, just might end up in Heaven as a result of your encounter, because you took the time and put forth just a tiny moment of effort, care and consideration to help nudge them toward Jesus, Salvation and an Eternity in Heaven along the way in their lives?
Content is important, contact point is just as important.
Some people just go out on the street and evangelize to any and most everyone. That has never been a comfort zone for me, so I can't really comment on doing it. I went out a few times to watch and experience it with the evangelist that I met. I was glad to go, I wanted to see what the process was and how people responded. None of it was really a comfortable method for me, it seemed a bit too invasive and at an inopportune time for the people that it was meant to help. At least for me. It works for him, but is not my comfort zone. I want comfort for them and for myself.
I like a more comfortable environment where I am not interfering in a person's life, not that this isn't more important for them than anything else that they may be involved with, but I believe that there is an appropriate time and place for things to happen in a more relaxed way.
Too many times people think only of what they want to say and don't take the time to imagine themselves as the other person, asking themselves, how would you feel if someone asked this of you or approached you with a question?
How would you feel, if you were them, what would be comfortable to you, if you were them. You need to be them for a moment and try to feel what they feel, think like they might think.
Then develop your approach around that understanding.
I'm not being lazy, just being courteous as to their space and time, especially as I am just getting started. This subject is so important, I feel that it shouldn't be started by cutting in front of them when they are not going to be as receptive as they would be at a different time. Who knows, that might change. There is a way that God sees things that is not our way. When God Guides, God Provides.
This is an approach that I have used many times now with appreciative results every time with a couple of exceptions, and those people did not believe that there is a God and I didn't have a good answer at the time, other than, there is and why I believe that there is based on my own experience. I have now learned a great response to that without getting into the thickets of the origin of all things from the beginning up to mankind.
Look at a Building, How did it get there? A BuilderLook at a Painting, A PainterNow look all around you at life, at everything in nature. A CreatorNow, if I told you that the building built itself from nothing, you would think about getting far away from me immediately. Look at what they have been trying to teach us about life, the world, the stars, all from nothing, built by itself. It was a lazy mans way of trying to explain it all. God, gives us plenty of proof, witnesses, prophecy, the Holy Spirit...personal experience.
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